Story of Teo and the Boatblender
OK – so first I must preface this with “if you aren’t familiar with Jimmy Buffett – then some of this makes no sense at all….”
It was pretty close to about 20 years ago and for some unexplainable reason I decided to chuck the corporate job (I think it had something to do with royalty checks from another invention), buy a boat and go island hopping. Everyone was convinced I was nuts – but hey – life was good. Feeling like “The weather was here–Wish you were beautiful” type of guy, I decided the beer is never “too cold” (as Jimmy states in that classic song) and on one those really hot days – a blended Margarita of 1800 was a necessity in addition to a cheeseburger in paradise. (at least that what she said – I was fine with rocks – but she had to have one blended – but that’s another story)
While I had the dream life for a 23 year old boat bum – my flip flops broke a few years after the blender wore out. Trying to find a blender motor when everything is on ‘Island Time’ is damn near impossible. Wishing I was the twelve volt man, I knew that batteries were rechargeable but without a blender – it wouldn’t be some women’s fault.
Knowing I had plenty of the juice for the 14volt Makita, I got creative – sidebar and I will definitely get emails on the this -any idea how whiny a woman can be when all she wants is air conditioning and a BoatDrink and the generator was out of gas – no air and no power – so the only thing left to do was to put her ashore (another story) or put together the first Boatblender. Being the gentleman boat bum I was – I found a way to mix her drinks using my cordless drill. While we have refined the design and several boat bums have had me put one together for them over the years, I finally got the notion (after constantly hearing – “dude, I need one of those” – to do a little startup, patent the idea, and market the “Perfect Date for a Jimmy Buffett Concert!”
Awards – meaningless but you might find them funnny…
Winner of the “Booth Feeding Frenzy” award at the Minneapolis Boat Show – January 2001
Winner of the “Best use of technology on the golf course” award at the 1999 Porcupine open.
Winner of the “Best Floating Bar Tool” award–Little Island raft-up on Bass Lake–1999
Winner of the “Holy S^%$#@ – I gotta get one of those” award – Jimmy Buffett Concert–Irvine Meadows 1993, 1994, 1995